Quick RPG setting: THE SUNDER

2025-01-08 ✢ rpgosrcampaign pitch

Basically this is my version of a D&D fantasy setting, generic enough so I can slot in other peoples’ dungeons without much modification but weird enough to be interesting. Big sources of inspiration are the Fafhrd and Grey Mouser stories (Ziragzar is just Lankhmar), seventeenth-century India and America, and Ghibli fantasy.

THE SUNDER is a continent which holds forests as old as the world and magic from the Outer Spheres. Sellswords and adventurers explore, fight, and die in search of fortune and glory under the baleful gaze of the twin moons. (Achiel, the White Moon, is the source of all silver and its light is known to rot meat and dull sharp edges. Sielach, the Red Moon, makes firearms more dangerous and alcohol more potent.) A century ago, men from the far side of the ocean came to tame The Sunder with wheel-lock muskets. It’s been seventy-nine years since they killed the last Tyrant of Ziragzar, the Rose City. Shortly afterwards, the invaders discovered their homeland across the sea had vanished; they were forced to settle in the Sunder for good.

Potential sellswords in the Sunder would do well to know the following:

Here are some pictures to set the tone: